Company: Abbott

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Hospital & health care

Year founded



Illinois City, Illinois, United States

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Employee Satisfaction

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Company Job Satisfaction Score


Average Job Satisfaction Score Across All Companies


Factors comparasion

Average Salary


Factors breakdown

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction, feeling valued, and recommending your company are key to engagement and sticking around. When you're happy and appreciated at work, you're more motivated to do your best and talk up the company, boosting its rep.

Alignment & Growth

Career alignment and growth opportunities mean you're on a path that fits your skills and dreams. This keeps you driven and learning, setting you up for long-term success.

Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and life reduces stress and keeps you productive and happy. A balanced lifestyle prevents burnout, improves decision-making, and keeps you engaged at work.


Great leaders communicate clearly and offer support, boosting confidence and teamwork. They empower you, creating a positive vibe that keeps you motivated and resilient.

Comp. & Security

Good pay and job security mean financial stability and peace of mind. When you feel valued and secure, you're more likely to perform well and stay focused on your career growth.

Culture & Values

A supportive company culture and shared values encourage collaboration and innovation. Access to resources and a strong company performance help you grow both personally and professionally, keeping you engaged and satisfied.