• Jacob Williams

Managing Up: Is your management setting you up for success?


Managing up is crucial for career success. It involves understanding your manager's goals and challenges, aligning your work with their expectations, and proactively communicating. This alignment under strong management not only ensures your growth but also contributes to the overall success of your team and organization.


'Managing up' refers to the process of consciously working with your superiors to obtain the best possible results for you, your boss, and the organization. This concept is rooted in understanding your manager's needs and expectations and aligning your work style and goals accordingly. It's essential for personal growth, job satisfaction, and career advancement. Strong management can set clear goals, provide necessary resources, and create an environment that fosters your success.


  1. Understand Your Manager's Goals and Priorities:

    • Communicate Regularly: Have open conversations with your manager about their goals, priorities, and challenges.
    • Align Your Work: Ensure that your work contributes directly to achieving your manager's objectives.
  2. Proactively Communicate:

    • Regular Updates: Keep your manager informed about your progress and any challenges you face.
    • Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback to understand how you can improve and align better with your manager's expectations.
  3. Take Initiative:

    • Anticipate Needs: Try to anticipate your manager's needs and address them proactively.
    • Propose Solutions, Not Just Problems: Whenever you encounter an issue, try to present potential solutions alongside the problem.
  4. Develop a Positive Working Relationship:

    • Understand Their Working Style: Adapt to your manager's communication and decision-making style.
    • Build Trust: Be reliable, consistent, and honest to build a strong foundation of trust.
  5. Seek Opportunities for Growth:

    • Ask for More Responsibility: Demonstrate your willingness to grow by asking for additional responsibilities.
    • Express Your Career Goals: Clearly communicate your career aspirations and seek your manager's guidance and support.
  6. Evaluate the Management:

    • Reflect on Management's Effectiveness: Regularly assess if your manager is providing the support, resources, and guidance you need.
    • Consider a Change if Necessary: If you consistently find a lack of support or misalignment with your manager, consider seeking other opportunities within or outside the organization.

By effectively managing up, you can create a symbiotic relationship with your manager, setting a foundation for career success and personal satisfaction.